Alathra Casus Belli

Updated: (7/31/2024) by BrokenMegatron88


For all wars, both sides of the war have a maximum of 3 days to agree upon a siege time and date. If a siege time and date have not been agreed upon by then, the siege time and date will automatically be set to the next Saturday at 1 pm EST.

From the time agreed upon or defaulted to for sieging, sieges can only be started in a 90-minute period. Sieges started before the 90-minute period has ended may be finished but no new sieges may be started after the 90-minute period has ended. (For example, if the starting siege time is 1 pm no new sieges may be started after 2:30 pm but any siege started before 2:30 pm may be finished).

All Casus Belli must be approved by staff before war can be declared. To apply to have your Casus Belli approved make a ticket in the discord with your Casus Belli and evidence to support it.


In-Game Evidence: Signed Books or Lore World-building posts containing relevant information.

Reasons used to Declare War


  1. The defending town / nation must be within 1000 blocks of the town or nation declaring war (a new town can not be created to close the gap between towns).
  2. Attackers can not have allies or mercenaries fight on their side of the war (only towns in the same nation can fight on the attacker's side).
  3. The attacking town / nation must have attempted through in-game roleplay to peacefully integrate the defending town / nation into their town / nation and posted it in the discord lore worldbuilding channel within the last 2 weeks.


  1. No players from the town have been on in 2 weeks.
  2. The town must be within 1.5k blocks of the town or nation declaring war (a new town can not be created to close the gap between towns).
  3. The attacking town / nation must have an active new mayor ready to take control of the town.

Rebellion Against Town:

  1. At least 2 players from the town are required to start a rebellion.
  2. The rebels must have been in the town for at least 1 month.
  3. The rebels must leave the town and start a new one for the war (they can not join another pre-existing town).
  4. The rebels must declare war within 1 week of leaving the town.
  5. The rebel town must be within 1.5k blocks of the town they are rebelling against.
  6. The rebel town can not join a nation during the war.

Rebellion Against Nation:

  1. The rebelling town must have been in the nation it is rebelling against for at least 1 month.
  2. The rebelling town must leave the nation it is rebelling against for at least the duration of the war.
  3. The rebelling town can not join any other nations during the war.
  4. The rebelling town must declare war on its former nation within 1 week of leaving the nation.

Trade Conflict:

  1. The attacking town / nation must have had a substantial trade deal with the defending town / nation.
  2. The trade deal must have been breached in a significant way in the last 2 weeks.
  3. There must be in-game proof of the trade deal being made and accepted by both parties.


  1. The town being reconquered must have been conquered in the last month.
  2. The town must be within 1.5k blocks of the nation declaring war (a new town can not be created to close the gap between towns).
  3. The town must have been in the nation declaring war when it was conquered.
  4. At least 1 week must have passed between when the town was conquered and when a war of reconquest is declared.


  1. The attacking town / nation must have a conflicting ideology with the defending town / nation.
  2. The attacking towns / nations' ideology must have existed and been documented IN-GAME for at least 1 month.
  3. The town must be within 1.5k blocks of the town or nation declaring war (a new town can not be created to close the gap between towns).
  4. The ideology of the defending town must have been adopted in the last 2 weeks from a neighboring town or nation.


  1. The defending town must have rebelled against the attacking town / nation in the last month.
  2. The town must be within 1.5k blocks of the town or nation declaring war (a new town can not be created to close the gap between towns).
  3. At least 1 week must have passed from the end of the rebellion war that removed the defending town from the attacking town / nation.


  1. The attacking town/nation must have a town/nation member who was attacked/killed in valid rp (anything ruled as rdm does not count as valid rp) in the last 2 weeks in their town/nation.
  2. The player who was attacked/killed must still be in the attacking town/nation.

Land Clearing:

  1. The attacking town/nation must be within 1.5k blocks of the defending town (a new town can not be created to close the gap between towns).
  2. The defending town must have had no one log on the server for 30 days.

Land Protection:

  1. The attacking town/nation must be within 300 blocks of the defending town (making new strange claims to bring your town within the 300 block radius is not allowed).
  2. The defending town must have been settled in the last 2 weeks.
  3. The attacking town must have been settled and continuously existed before the defending town was settled (if the attacking town had been deleted then recreated and the defending town was settled during the time when the attacking town did not exist this casus belli will not be approved).


  1. The defending town/nation must have stolen a ship from the attacking town/nation within the last 2 weeks.
  2. The attacking town/nation must have attempted in rp to peacefully regain the ship from the defending town/nation.
  3. The stolen ship must be agreed on by staff that it is in fact a ship (2x2 wooden rafts do not count).


  1. The attacking town/nation must be within 2k blocks of the defending town/nation (a new town can not be created to close the gap between towns).
  2. The defending town/nation must have a member(s) (does not need to be the same player) who has attacked/killed players outside of the town/nation at least twice in the last month in valid rp (anything ruled as rdm does not count as valid rp).
  3. If the first instance of attacking/killing led to a war against the defending town/nation then it will not be counted towards the requirements for this casus belli.

National Security:

  1. The attacking nation must have a town within 500 blocks of the defending town (making new strange claims to bring the town in the nation within the 500 block radius is not allowed).
  2. The defending town must have been settled in the last 2 weeks.
  3. The attacking nations town that is within the 500 block radius must have been settled and continuously existed before the defending town was settled. (If the town in the attacking nation within the 500 block radius had been deleted then recreated and the defending town was settled during the time when the attacking nation's town did not exist this casus belli will not be approved).
  4. The attacking nation must have existed and continuously existed before the defending town was settled. (If the nation was dissolved and recreated and the defending town was settled during the time the attacking nation did not exist this casus belli will not be approved).
  5. The attacking nations town within the 500 block radius must have been in the nation before the defending town was settled and still be in the nation.


  1. The defending town/nation must have broken an agreement or treaty of substance in the last 2 weeks. (Promising to sell someone bricks for $100 and then going back on the deal and not selling the bricks would not be considered an agreement of substance).
  2. The attacking town/nation must have evidence of the agreement or treaty being broken.
  3. The agreement or treaty must have been with the attacking town/nation.
  4. The agreement or treaty must be in character.

Expand the Front:

This casus belli can only be used every 4 weeks by the same town/nation/group. This casus belli ignores the war fatigue rule.

  1. The defending town/nation must have been an ally of the opposing side of a war from the attacking town/nation that happened within the last 2 weeks.
  2. The defending town/nation must have been in the war plugin (had a red/blue name in game) on the opposing side of the war.
  3. The attacking town/nation must have been one of the war leader towns/nations of the war the defending town/nation was an ally in.
  4. If demands were made of the defending town/nation in the previous war against the attacking town/nation and those demands were fulfilled this casus belli can not be used on them.
  5. If the defending town/nation had sieges at their town(s) and lost all said sieges in the previous war against the attacking town/nation this casus belli can not be used on them.

Reasons used to Join On-going War

Call to Arms (Defenders) Reasons:

This casus belli is how allies can join the defending side of a war.

You must have one of the following to join the defending side of the war:

  1. Both in-game evidence of a defense pact or treaty with the defending town / nation of the war that is at least 2 weeks old and embassies. Both towns / nations need to have an embassy building that is at least 1 chunk big that is claimed by the other town / nation via the towny plugin.
  2. Be within 1.5k blocks of the defending town / nation and share an ideology with the defending town. There must be in-game evidence that the town / nation has shared this ideology with the defending town / nation for at least a week prior to the war being declared.
  3. A significant investment of money or resources in defending town / nation. The Investment must have been made before the war was declared but no further back than 1 month from when the war was declared.

Call to Arms (Attackers) Reasons:

This casus belli is how allies can join the attacking side of a war.

You must have one of the following to join the attackers' side of the war:

  1. Both in-game evidence of a treaty or agreement with the attacking town / nation agreeing to aid in an offensive war that is at least 2 weeks old and embassies. Both towns / nations need to have an embassy building that is at least 1 chunk big that is claimed by the other town / nation via the towny plugin.
  2. (In case of containment war only) Be within 1.5k blocks of the defending town / nation and share an ideology with the attacking town. There must be in-game evidence that the town / nation has shared this ideology with the attacking town / nation for at least 2 weeks prior to the war being declared.


  1. The mercenary town must be paid a minimum of 10k to join the war (trying to subvert this by having the employers send 10k to the mercenaries and then having the mercenaries send the 10k back will result in harsh punishments).
  2. If a mercenary town is part of a nation and is contracted into a war only the mercenary town may join the war. Its nation may not join the war unless they have a separate casus belli which is unrelated to the mercenary town.
  3. Mercenary towns may not give back any of the money they were paid at any point during the war or after the war.
  4. Mercenary towns may not leave the war until it ends unless they pay at least 5k to the opposing side of the war and this payment is accepted by the opposing side of the war.

Aiding the Enemy:

This casus belli can only be used to add a town or nation into an ongoing war and can not be used to start a new war.

  1. You must be a war leader (the leader of the attacking/defending town/nation) to use this casus belli.
  2. The targeted towns or nations must have supplied substantial supplies or financial aid to the opposing side of the war.
  3. The aid must have been supplied after the war declaration was made in the discord.
  4. You must have in character evidence of the targeted towns or nations giving substantial aid to the opposing side of the war.

Abetting the Enemy:

This casus belli can only be used to add a town or nation into an ongoing war and can not be used to start a new war.

  1. You must be a war leader (the leader of the attacking/defending town/nation) to use this casus belli.
  2. The targeted towns or nations must have sheltered members of the opposing side of the war in a way where they could not be skirmished. (Sheltered in this context is defined as either letting a combatant into a secure and safe place to escape active combat or harboring in a secure place a member of the opposing side of the war for an extended period of time.)
  3. You must have in character evidence of the targeted towns or nations sheltering members of the opposing side of the war.

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