War Info

Updated: (9/9/2024) by BrokenMegatron88

General Information

Start of a War

  1. You must have a valid casus belli approved by staff to declare a war. To have your casus belli approved, make a ticket on Discord. Additionally, you must have demands for the war that are deemed fair (fair war demands can be found at the bottom of this page).
  2. After your war declaration has been approved, you must make a declaration in the war declaration channel.
  3. Staff must be informed of any allies or mercenaries joining the war to add them to the war plugin. No one outside of the war plugin is allowed to fight in the war.
  4. Staff will make a special war ticket for the leaders of both sides of the war to discuss the war; in this ticket, they should pick a siege date and time. If they have not picked a siege date and have not made any progress towards a siege date within three days of the war declaration, the siege date and time will be set to the following Saturday at 1 pm EST. Siege times also need to be approved by staff if they’re not the fallback time.

Allies & Mercenaries

  1. Allies can join wars using the Call To Arms casus belli. You should check this casus belli before a war begins, as there are requirements you need to meet to be able to join a war as an ally. Many of these requirements must be met before a war is declared.
  2. Mercenaries can join wars using the Mercenary casus belli. However, mercenaries experience mercenary fatigue after a war, which prevents them from joining another war for a while. So, mercenaries should be careful when deciding what wars to do mercenary work in.
  3. Mercenary towns can be knocked out of war if they fail to defend their town against a siege.
  4. Allies are not knocked out of the war if they fail to defend their town against a siege.

Fighting a War


  1. Sieges are battles at towns where the opposing side of the war fights to take control of the Towns Spawn.
  2. Sieges can only occur at scheduled times either agreed upon by both sides of the war or if both sides can not agree on a time, defaulting to Saturdays at 1 pm EST.
  3. When the siege time comes, any town in the war can be sieged, including allies and mercenary towns. Multiple sieges can happen simultaneously, so towns on both sides of the war can come under siege simultaneously, and various towns on both sides can be sieged simultaneously.
  4. It costs 2.5k to start a siege on a town. If the attackers win the siege, they gain either 2.5k from the defending town bank and their 2.5k back or if the defending town bank has more than 10k in it, 25% of the defending town bank and their 2.5k back. If the defenders win the siege, they gain the 2.5k the attackers used to start the siege.
  5. The key to winning a siege is a Towns Spawn (located within the towns home block). During a siege, the Towns Spawn becomes a control point. Attackers win if they get their control of the Town Spawn to 100%, and defenders win if they prevent this from happening for an hour. Attackers gain control progress for the Town Spawn by having more people on the Town Spawn than the defenders. Defenders can reduce the amount of control progress the attackers have made by keeping attackers off the Town Spawn for at least 2 minutes. The radius of the Town Spawn control point is roughly 10 blocks in all directions, including vertically around the Town Spawn.
  6. A town can only be sieged once in the same day.

Winning a War

  1. The first way to win a war is by having the opposing side of the war surrender.
  2. The second way to win a war is by winning sieges on all the towns of the opposing side (allies and mercenary towns do not need to be sieged to win a war). Once a town loses a siege, it is considered defeated. The members of this town may still fight in the war (except for mercenary towns), but if all towns on one side of a war (excluding allies and mercenaries) are defeated, that side loses the war.

Post War Payment

Once a war ends, there will usually be some form of treaty or payment between the two sides of the war. This isn’t required, but it is typical. We at large leave this part of war up to players, but there are some payments or demands that we do not allow unless both sides of the war consent to them.

Valid War Demands

  1. Payment - Up to 60% of a town or nation's bank in money, items, or a combination of the two. (Can take up to 60% of the bank of a town a siege was won against or the nation's bank.)(Items value is determined by the world economy's current value for the item.)
  2. Treaties or Agreements - Can range from simple non-aggression pacts to vassalage and everything in between.
  3. Join your nation - If the town(s) are within the 1k block limit for nations, they can be added to your nation.
  4. Removal of nation leader - You can change the nation leader to another town leader, or if your town is close enough to the nation to be part of it, you can make your town leader the nation leader. You can not remove a town leader from any town.

Demands Based on Casus Belli

  1. Removal of town leader - You can remove the town leader and replace them with your chosen player. (Only if Rebellion (against town), Land Protection, National Security, or Restoration casus belli were used to start the war).
  2. Deletion of town - You can delete the town with war declared on it. (Only if Land Protection, National Security, or Land Clearing casus belli were used to start the war).

War Rules

Declaring and Joining

  1. You must have a valid and approved by staff Casus Belli to declare and start a war (to get a casus belli approved, make a ticket in the discord). War may only result from valid RP reasoning.
  2. War declarations are posted on Discord in the #war-declaration channel. Follow the war template provided in the war declaration channel.
  3. Only leaders with approved rp characters may declare a war.
  4. Allies and mercenaries must post their involvement in the war declaration thread.
  5. Only Towns/Nations can join wars, and individuals can not join on their own.
  6. Mercenaries must be paid a reasonable amount and provide proof of payment; a screenshot in the war declaration. Abuse of this system will result in punishment.
    • Minute-manning is not allowed. Minute-manning is bringing in players from outside the server/community to participate in war and combat to boost your side's numbers unfairly.
  7. If your town or nation surrenders to the war plugin, you may not rejoin the war.


  1. War Fatigue - towns/nations must wait two weeks from the end of the last war they were in to join the attacking side of a war or declare another war (This also applies to individual players).
  2. Mercenary Fatigue - Mercenaries must wait four weeks before they can be mercenaries in another war or declare war (This also applies to individual players).
  3. You may not try to get around war fatigue by making new towns (or nations).

Home block & Defenses

  1. Your town home block and the chunks around it cannot be trapped (explosives, pitfalls, etc.).
    • Chunks around it refers to the chunks diagonally and orthogonally adjacent.
  2. Your home block must have an accessible entrance to attackers (lockpickable doors/gates are allowed).
  3. Your home block cannot use scummy tactics (e.g., Mazes, forcing players to crawl, swim, parkour, small rooms, etc).
    • The specifics of scummy tactics are often determined on a case by case basis due to the unique circumstances.
  4. Your path to your home block must be clear, the corridor must be no smaller than a 2x2 block, and it must not have ladders or trapdoors.
  5. Your T-spawn can not be 16 blocks higher or lower than the surface level. If it's an underground town, the T spawn must be on the same level as the rest of the town.
  6. Your respawn beds must be at least four chunks from the home block. The beds cannot be on the path to the home block and should be opposite it.
  7. There must be at least one chunk of room between sets of doors.
  8. Traps must quickly kill the person they trap or have an easy-to-find way out of them.


  1. If a mercenary town is successfully sieged, it will be knocked out of the war and not able to fight on either side of the war. The mercenary town is removed from the war once the current siege time ends, not the second their town loses a siege.
  2. You cannot teleport into a siege.
  3. Illegal home blocks will lose the siege on the siege start.
  4. Spectators are not allowed to participate in sieges or battles. If you are spectating, you may be collateral damage.
    • Spectators will not be given mercy by the rules.


  1. Don't attempt to enforce ridiculously unfair demands.
  2. No unnecessary delaying of wars or avoiding conflict.
  3. You may still be subject to the consequences of your side losing even if you leave the plugin.
  4. Alt accounts are not allowed to be used as tools of war. (This includes storing money in them to avoid consequences)
  5. Firing explosives at a town or town's defenses before wartime is prohibited.
  6. Spawn camping is not allowed.
  7. Staff members cannot resolve a war rule discrepancy if they are involved in the war itself.
  8. Alathra Management has the last say on war decisions.

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