Alathra Rules

Updated: (7/4/2024) by BrokenMegatron88


The Rules

Chat Rules

  1. Be respectful to others OOC (out of character) no discrimination of any kind (race, gender, beliefs, sexual orientation). Toxicity is not tolerated. Keep your drama in private chats. No real life politics or religion in public channels.
  2. No inappropriate or sexually explicit content.
  3. Only send messages in their proper channels. Do not clog lore channels with spam.
  4. Unauthorized advertisement of non-Alathra related things is not allowed.
  5. Alathra’s community is not a substitute for a therapist, if you are experiencing distress or other mental issues, please contact a professional.
  6. Respect staff decisions and comply with moderation staff when asked.
  7. Please respect staff decisions in public chats. If you have concerns or wish to appeal, kindly use the ticket system. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
  8. Do not impersonate staff or attempt to do their job.

Reporting Rules:

  1. Don't DM staff members under any circumstance regarding server issues, make a ticket instead.
  2. Use the ticket system on discord (#support-ticket) to report issues or appeals.
  3. Attempts to get other players punished without substantial proof will likely result in punishments directed towards yourself instead.
  4. Report incidents as they happen. Hoarding evidence over a long period of time only makes it less likely that substantial proof will be found under investigation or that action will be taken in general.
  5. Serious accusations must be accompanied with proof.

Town & Nation Rules:

  1. Do not make towns or outposts within 128 blocks or 8 chunks of distance of another town or outposts. They may be liable to be removed at moderator and the other town leaders discretion. If a town or outpost is too close and you would like it removed, please file a Report ticket.
  2. Faction-styled builds are not allowed. (Example: Obsidian walls / sky bases).
  3. Town defenses must be grounded in realism.
  4. Towns must have a visible build on the surface of the claim.
  5. Builds which are deemed offensive can and will be removed by staff/admins.
  6. Nations should have realistic borders. Expansion should stay mainly within a continent. Towns must be within 1000 blocks of the nearest town in the nation.
  7. Outposts must be within 1024 blocks of the main body of a town.
  8. Town enclaves aren't allowed. Town enclaves are claims that aren't attached to the main claim body and aren't outposts. They can be removed at moderator discretion.
  9. Spaghetti claims aren't allowed. Spaghetti claims are claims where very thin claims are used to connect larger chunk bodies or to get further distance. These can be removed at moderator discretion.
  10. The creation of towns just to expand a nations town creation or merge area is expressly forbidden and could result in the deletion of such towns or further punishment.

Roleplay Rules:

  1. No metagaming or powergaming.
  2. No roleplaying slavery, racism, homophobia, or genocide.
  3. Romantic roleplay rules.
    1. Consenting or non-consenting romantic roleplay between an adult and a minor is not allowed. An adult is 18+ and it is the adults responsibility to make sure the person they are roleplaying with is 18+. We highly recommend getting screenshots of the player saying they are 18+.
    2. Additionally erotic roleplay as a whole is not permitted on the server or in dms.
  4. Actions in-game can and likely will be taken as roleplay actions by other players unless explicitly stated to not be (All players involved understand and acknowledge it is not RP). You are responsible for your own actions.
  5. Do not use real places, people, religions, historical events, or established fictional media in RP.
  6. Keep to the theme of the server in build, character, and RP: (Medieval fantasy).
  7. Excessive lies/slander or hate speech against individuals or nations will not be permitted.
  8. Do not kill characters off to avoid consequences, you must conclude your characters story and finish any rp you are involved in.

Farms & Automation Rules:

  1. Auto / AFK farms are forbidden. Farms must require player interaction I.e (A button or lever being pressed). Auto Brewers are not allowed.
  2. No togglable automatic farms.
  3. Mob farms are illegal.
  4. Dark rooms are permitted, but players must do 100% of the damage in any dark room, and the mobs must be able to hurt the player. Pushing mobs with water and mob droppers are not allowed. No walls should exist between the mobs and the player except for the exit door/area. Players should not be able to attack the mobs if they retreat.
  5. Auto smelters are allowed.
  6. Any farm causing lag can be removed or altered by staff at any point.

General Combat Rules (Outside of War):

  1. Non-consensual continuous and unwarranted killing of players is not allowed.
  2. Roleplay should be attempted before killing a player.
  3. You can kill a player for trespassing, however they must be warned to leave before initiating combat and given time to respond.
  4. Unwarranted bed camping is not allowed.
  5. Cobwebs, Lava, and withers, are not allowed to be used in combat.
  6. Combat logging is not allowed.
  7. You are not entitled to your items if you die in combat after valid rp.
  8. Traps must be placed prior to engaging in combat, explosives are not included in this. You can not surround a player with blocks of any type, including cobwebs during combat.

Stealing & Griefing Rules:

  1. Griefing is not allowed under any circumstances.
  2. Builds in the nether and end are not protected.
  3. Collecting a large amount of resources from any area of the world requires a build to not be considered a grief (examples of acceptable builds can be found at spawn).
  4. Repurposing unclaimed builds is allowed.
  5. Theft is allowed but banditry/robbery is not.
  6. Scamming is allowed along with its RP consequences(including death.)/LI>

Exploits, Hacks & Other Rules:

  1. Abusing an exploit to get items or money is not allowed, if you find an exploit report it to staff immediately.
  2. Hacks or hacked clients are not allowed.
  3. Alt accounts that are being used for an unfair advantage are not allowed. Alts cannot be mayor or co-mayor of a Town. Alts cannot be used to gain an advantage in war or combat. No more than two of any one player's alts are allowed in a town. You can be in a town and have up to two alts in the town.
  4. Duping in any form is not allowed.
  5. Lag machines are not permitted.
  6. Chunk loading exploits are not allowed.
  7. Do not abuse the lockpicking system with excessive doors. This includes more than three doors in a row from any entrace. If there is a significant gap (64 blocks), you may have an additional three doors.
  8. Only approved mods are permitted. View approved mods.
  9. AFK contraptions/methods to avoid getting kicked for being AFK are banned.
  10. Causing repeated issues or drama that require staff intervention is not tolerated.
  11. Leaving map art on the world is not allowed, map art can be made but it must be done quickly and the blocks placed to make the map art must be removed after the map art item itself has been acquired.

Discord Rules:

  1. Be respectful to others OOC (out of character) no discrimination of any kind (race, gender, beliefs, sexual orientation). Toxicity is not tolerated. Keep your drama in private chats. No irl politics or religion in public channels.
  2. No inappropriate or sexually explicit content or comments.
  3. Only send messages in their proper channels. Do not clog lore channels with spam.
  4. Do not send non-roleplay related memes in lore or war channels.
  5. Unauthorized advertisement of non-Alathra related things is not allowed
  6. Alathra’s community is not a substitute for a therapist, if you are experiencing distress or other mental issues, please contact a professional.
  7. Respect staff decisions and comply with moderators when asked.
  8. Please respect staff decisions in public chats. If you have concerns or wish to appeal, kindly use the ticket system. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
  9. Do not impersonate staff or attempt to do their job.
  10. We only police our discord unless you have threatened another player (including kys), DMs of slurs to circumvent our rules, or relationships with minors.
  11. Evidence sent to us in DMs is valid.
  12. Breaking some of these rules significantly such as slurs, sexual comments or flaming/toxicity will result in being given a role that only gives you access to game related channels, if you continue to break the rules in these channels you will be permed from the discord AND the game. Breaking ANY of these rules multiple times will also result in being given the Mega Mute role.
  13. Players causing excessive drama will also be given the Mega Mute Role.

Bounty Rules:

What are Bounties?

Bounties are rewards or payments offered by one player to attack or capture another specific player for an rp reason. They are not considered RDM, if they are executed correctly by following the below rules.



  1. Bounties require a public lore-worldbuilding post announcing the bounty as well as the general reason why the bounty is being placed. The bountied player should be @'d if possible, and otherwise should be notified. Failure to notify the player could result in punishment. If the player is evading being notified please file a ticket. If you're otherwise unsure of how to notify a player please file a ticket.
  2. Bounties expire after 7 days and must be renewed with a new post if it isn't fulfilled within that 7 day period. To renew the bounty you must wait an additional 1 day after the expiration beforehand. Bounties can only be renewed 3 times at most, attempting to renew more then 3 times may result in the invalidation of the bounty or punishment.
  3. Bounty makers must get the Moderation team's approval within a General Question ticket before posting the bounty. The Bounty Maker should be able to provide RP Reasoning and Evidence to the Moderation team.
  4. Bounties are complete on the 1st kill - or capture if applicable - of the Bountied individual. Standard rules apply after the bounty is completed.
  5. If, when attempting to collect a bounty, you die to the bountied individual - or someone attempting to protect them from bounty collection - your items and gear are forfeited to the individual who killed you. You cannot use your failure to collect the bounty as an rp reason to kill them or otherwise.
  6. Bounty collectors can keep gear acquired from killing the Bountied Individual if they are the ones to complete the bounty.
  7. A bounties value must be in excess or equal to $5000.
  8. A bounty does not dictate a players characters death and the Bountied Individual's character is not dead if the bounty is completed.
  9. If a player wants to collect a bounty and dies to the bountied individual or someone attempting to protect them from the bounty collection while in the attempt of collecting the bounty they cannot make another attempt at collecting the bounty within the current bounty 7-day period.
  10. Toxicity rules still apply, if the Moderation team has reason to believe you are intentionally using bounties to harass a player then punishment may occur.
  11. The Moderation team can determine the validity of a bounty at their leisure.

The War Rules

Declaring Wars:

  1. You must have a valid and approved by staff Casus Belli to declare war (to get a casus belli approved, make a ticket in the discord).
  2. War declarations are posted in the #war-declaration channel in the discord.
  3. Only leaders with approved rp characters may declare a war.
  4. Follow the provided war template provided in the war-declaration channel.
  5. War may only result from valid RP reasoning.
  6. You cannot use unrealistically large claims as a means of declaring war.
  7. Allies must post their involvement in the war declaration thread and must wait 24 hours after their announcement before participating.
  8. Mercenaries are allowed to join a war but must join as a town.
  9. Mercenaries must be paid a reasonable amount and provide proof of payment; a screenshot in the war declaration. Abuse of this system will result in punishment.
  10. Don't attempt to enforce ridiculously unfair demands.
  11. Contact staff to start a war in-game. All participants must join when created.
  12. Staff may determine who is a participant in certain situations.
  13. Hostilities are not allowed until 24 hours after the war declaration.
  14. Laws of war may be created and agreed upon by the war participants. These are gentlemen's agreements and will not be enforced by staff.
  15. Treaties can be signed mid-war to give valid casus belli to other towns/nations, but the joining town/nation must wait at least 5 days from when the treaty was signed before declaring involvement in the war.
  16. War Fatigue - towns/nations must wait 2 weeks from the end of the last war they were in to join the attacking side of a war or declare another war.
  17. Mercenary Fatigue - Mercenaries must wait 4 weeks before they can be a mercenary in another war or declare a war.

General War Rules:

  1. You cannot move your homeblock or /t spawn after joining a war unless it is during the 24 hour grace period.
  2. No unnecessary delaying of wars or avoiding conflict.
  3. Don't break treaties/agreements with other nations/towns with no RP justification.
  4. If you leave the war plugin you may not rejoin the war.
  5. You may still be subject to the consequences of your side losing even if you leave the plugin.
  6. Alt accounts are not allowed to be used as tools of war.
  7. Spectators are not allowed to participate in any way, shape, or form. If you are a spectator in a warzone you may be collateral damage.
  8. Looting is allowed during war.
  9. A staff member cannot resolve a war rule discrepancy if they are directly or indirectly involved in the war itself.
  10. A player must have at least 10 hours of playtime to take part in a war.
  11. Minute-maning is not allowed. Minute-maning is the act of bringing in players from outside the server/community to participate in war and or combat in order to unfairly boost your side's numbers.
  12. An attacking town can only join a nation mid war if the defending town has joined a nation mid war first.
  13. Firing explosives at a town or town's defenses before the siege time is not allowed.
  14. There must be at least 1 chunk of room between sets of doors.
  15. Traps must either kill the person they trap quickly or have an easy to find way out of them.
  16. Using siege engines to break into towns outside of when raids and sieges are happening is not allowed.
  17. It must be clear what the path to the T spawn is. The path can not be smaller than 2x2 blocks high and wide and can not have ladders or trap doors as part of the path at any point.
  18. The T spawn can not be lower than 10 blocks below surface level unless your entire town is underground. If it's an underground town, the T spawn must be on the same level as the rest of the town.
  19. If a mercenary town is successfully sieged the town will be knocked out of the war and not able to fight on either side of the war. The mercenary town is removed from the war once the current siege time ends, not the second their town loses a siege.

Siege Rules:

  1. Offline sieges are not allowed. A member of the town must be on when the siege is declared.
  2. You cannot teleport into a siege.
  3. You must breach a town’s main area. Do not capture by flying above the homeblock.
  4. Defenders may not trap in or around the homechunk. (This includes placing explosives near the homechunk).
  5. The homechunk must have an accessible entrance to attackers (A door that can be lock picked).
  6. Do not cheese the homechunk. (No mazes, forcing players to crawl, swim, parkour, extremely small rooms, etc.)
  7. Sieges on inactive (for 30+ days) towns will be granted instant victory for the attacker.
  8. Defenders beds must be at least 3 chunks of distance horizontally, 48 blocks vertically, or a combination of the two from the T spawn. The beds can not be along the path from the outside of the town to the T spawn and must be on the opposite side of the T spawn from the path. There must also be a wall / ceiling between the defenders beds and the T spawn.
  9. The T-spawn, the area around it, and the path to it can not have anything added or removed from it in the 24 hours leading up to a siege time.

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