Alathra Rules
- Respect staff decisions in public chats and comply with moderation staff. If you have concerns or wish to appeal, kindly use the ticket system. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
- Be respectful to others; discrimination and toxicity are not tolerated(race, gender, beliefs, sexual orientation). Keep your drama in private chats. No real-life politics or religion should be discussed on public channels.
- No inappropriate or sexually explicit content.
- Only send messages in their proper channels. Do not clog lore channels with spam or irrelevant content.
- Unauthorized advertisement of non-Alathra-related things is not allowed.
- Do not impersonate staff or attempt to do their job.
- Alathra’s community is not a substitute for a therapist. If you are experiencing distress or other mental health issues, please contact a professional.
- Do not report incidents from outside of Alathra unless they involve serious issues such as being threatened by another player, DMs of slurs to circumvent Alathra rules or relationships with minors.
Town & Nation
- Town enclaves - claims that aren't attached to the town’s main claim body that aren't outposts.
- Spaghetti claims - claims where thin claims are used to connect larger chunk bodies or to get further distance.
- Nation Orbit - the area around a nation where towns can be added.
- Towns should not be made within 8 chunks of another town or outpost, unless they are in the same nation.
- Nations should have realistic borders. Expansion should stay mainly within a continent.
- To join a nation, a Towns homeblock must be within 75 chunks of the nearest town homeblock in the nation.
- Outposts must be within 64 chunks of the main body of a town.
- Faction-styled builds are not allowed. (Example: Obsidian walls / sky bases / Regenerating walls / Spawn Platforms that effectively float).
- Towns must have a substantial visible build on the surface of the claim.
- Offensive builds are not allowed. (e.g., phallic imagery, confederate flags)
- Town enclaves and Spaghetti claims aren't allowed.
- Creating towns for the explicit purpose of expanding a nation's orbit is forbidden.
- OOC - Out of Character
- IC - In Character
- RP - Roleplay
- IRP - In Roleplay
- Metagaming - Out-of-character knowledge used to dictate actions in character
- Powergaming - Roleplaying your character in a manner that assumes success or disallows other player intervention.
- No metagaming or power gaming.
- No roleplaying slavery, racism, homophobia, genocide, bigotry, sexual content.
- Romantic roleplay between an adult and a minor is not allowed.
- An adult is a person aged 18+, and it is the adult's responsibility to ensure that the person they are role-playing with is also an adult. We highly recommend getting screenshots of the player saying they are 18+.
- All actions that affect another player are IRP unless explicitly agreed upon by all parties involved.
- Do not use real places, people, religions, historical events, or established fictional media in RP.
- Keep to the theme of the server in build, character, and RP (Medieval fantasy)
- Excessive lies/slander or hate speech against individuals or nations will not be tolerated.
- Do not kill your character off or switch to a new character to avoid RP consequences.
- Do not disrupt RP or RP Events
Note: Actions in-game can and likely will be taken as roleplay actions by other players unless explicitly stated not to be (All players involved understand and acknowledge it is not RP). You are responsible for your actions.
Farms & Automation
- Auto Farm - A mechanism to collect, manipulate, or transform resources or entities(mobs) with minimal or no player input.
- Mob Farm - A build designed to automate and or harvest mob drops or experience with minimal or no player input, or where the mobs cannot fight back, deal damage, or are otherwise inhibited from getting to the player when the player or mob is inside the build.
- Dark Room - A completely flat, open space with no water, obstacles, or mechanisms to manipulate or damage mobs. (Players should be doing all the damage in a dark room)
- Auto / AFK farms, brewers, and collection mechanisms are forbidden. Any farm must require consistent player interaction (e.g. button, not togglable).
- Auto smelters, Auto sorters, and Auto composters are excluded from this rule
- Mob or Boss farms are illegal.
- Dark rooms are permitted.
General Combat (Outside of War)
- RDM - Non-consensual continuous and unwarranted killing of players or the killing of players without RP reasoning.
- Trap - Traps are blocks or entities used to imprison, hamper, or harm a player.
- RDM is not allowed.
- Before initiating combat with a player for trespassing, you must ask them to leave. They must have time to respond.
- Withers or other bosses are not allowed in combat.
- Cobwebs and Lava are forbidden from being placed in combat. Traps must be placed before combat (explosives are excluded from this).
Note: If you die in combat that was from valid RP, you are not entitled to your items.
Stealing & Griefing
- Griefing - Damaging and/or destroying builds, entities, or containers without express permission from the owner that causes meaningful harm.
- Overworld - The main world of play on Alathra.
- Griefing is not allowed in the Overworld. (This includes Self griefing like lava casting to make your town unusable after you leave. Although removing the town builds or the whole town with tools is allowed.)
- Stealing from players is forbidden, but stealing from storage containers is allowed.
- Breaking unclaimed valuable blocks to take them is allowed.
- If a part of a ship is docked inside of a towns claims it is classed as being safe and therefore should not be pirated.
- Scamming is allowed.
- There may be RP consequences.
Valuable Blocks
- Hay
- Copper (all variants)
- Iron
- Gold
- Emerald
- Diamond
- Netherite
- Beacon
- Conduit
- Brewing stand
- Enchanting Table
- Gilded Blackstone
- Beehives
- Banners
- Map Art
- Siege Engines
Hacks & Exploits
- Abusing an exploit to gain an advantage or items is forbidden. Similarly, abusing an exploit to inhibit/harm players or the server is forbidden.
- Getting on top of the nether roof isn't allowed.
- Hacks or hacked clients are not allowed.
- The usage of unapproved Game modifications is not allowed.
- Don't DM staff members regarding server issues; make a ticket instead.
- Use the ticket system on Discord (#support-ticket) to appeal punishments or report issues. Report incidents as they happen. Hoarding evidence over a long period makes it less likely that substantial proof will be found under investigation or that action will generally be taken.
- Serious accusations must be accompanied by proof. Attempts to get other players punished without substantial proof will likely result in punishments directed towards you instead.
- Alt accounts cannot be used for an unfair advantage.
- Only one account (Alt or otherwise) can be a mayor/co-mayor/deputy-mayor, and more than three of the same player's accounts cannot be in the same town.
- Causing repeated issues or drama that require staff intervention is not allowed.
- Any mapart created must be finished and removed quickly.
- Don’t harass people.
- Staff has the final say on rule decisions.
What are Bounties?
Bounties are rewards or payments offered by one player to attack or capture another specific player for an rp reason. They are not considered RDM if executed correctly by following the below rules.
- Bountied Individual - The player on whom the bounty is placed.
- Bounty Maker - The individual player that creates the bounty.
- Bounty Collector - The player that attempts to collect the bounty on the bountied individual
- Bounties require a public lore-worldbuilding post announcing the bounty and the general reason why the bounty is being placed. The bountied player should be @'d in the lore-worldbuilding post
- Bounties expire after 14 days; they cannot be renewed. After bounty expiration, you must wait a week before creating a new bounty.
- Bounty makers must get the Moderation team's approval within a General Question ticket before posting the bounty.
- The Bounty Maker should be able to provide RP Reasoning and Evidence to the Moderation team.
- Bounties are complete on the 1st kill - or capture if applicable - of the Bountied individual. Standard rules apply after the bounty is completed.
- If, when attempting to collect a bounty, you die to the bountied individual - or someone attempting to protect them from bounty collection - your items and gear are forfeited to the individual who killed you. You cannot use your failure to collect the bounty as an rp reason to kill them or otherwise.
- Bounty collectors can keep gear acquired from killing the Bountied Individual if they are the ones to complete the bounty.
- A bounties value must exceed or equal $7500.
- A bounty does not dictate a player character's death, and the Bountied Individual's character is not dead if the bounty is completed.
- A bounty collector can only make one attempt to collect a bounty (the death of the bounty collector determines bounty attempts).
- Toxicity rules still apply; if the Moderation team has reason to believe you are intentionally using bounties to harass a player, then punishment may occur.
- The Moderation team can determine the validity of a bounty at their leisure.